Hi, I’m Cristiane, but you can call me Cris.

Curious by nature. Trying to help people. Writing my own history.

I'm creative with experience as a copywriter working on traditional, digital and everything that needs a great idea and a very cool copy. I’ve developed my career most of the time in São Paulo, Brazil. Since 2016 I’ve been working as an Independent Creative Copywriter living between Lisbon and Paris.

Curious by nature, I love working as a team and discovering new things.

I’ve worked for Global Agencies such as Almap BBDO, Ogilvy, Publicis, Leo Burnett, Grey, DDB and recently AKQA developing creative stuff for so many brands from Nike, Unilever, like Sunsilk and Dove, also Avon, Fiat, P&G and Pernod Ricard, among others.

As a bi-lingual copywriter, I have experience in conceptualizing online and offline campaigns and an in-depth understanding of storytelling, scriptwriting, brand building, concept creation, creative writing, content, creative strategy, interactive advertising and product innovation.

Outside the office, I’ve been studying French, doing yoga classes and also trying to absolve french culture while reading mystic books.